
Friday, March 27, 2015

Top 5 Ethical Hacking and Pentesting Books of 2015

I've always preferred reading books instead of enrolling for ethical hacking course, I still encourages my readers to read paper-books, blogs and whitepapers instead of doing CEH. There are countless advantage of reading books, In this following article; I've listed Top 5 Ethical Hacking and Pentesting books of 2015.

5 Best Ethical Hacking, Pentesting Books for Hackers

Books listed below are very helpful to anyone interested in Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing and Security. The top 5 Ethical Hacking books list is suggested by an expert security researchers and hackers. The article is completely based on my experience, learning and few guides by experts. All the books listed below are easily purchase-able from following attached links.

The Hacker Playbook (Practical guide to Penetration Testing)

The Hacker Playbook (Practical guide to Penetration Testing)
Buy Now at Amazon → The Hacker Playbook written by a security professional and CEO of Secure Planet. - A very informative book for beginners in Penetration Testing with practical guides, hands on examples and helpful advice from the top of the field. The Hacker Playbook is for those who have huge interest in Penetration Testing. This book is a great reference manual, described from the perspectives of a professional. It provides a valuable learning experience to practice and get familiar with the tools and methods.

Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide

Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide - Book by Rafay Baloch
Buy Now at Amazon → Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide written by a Pakistani prodigy hacker and security researcher Rafay Baloch. I personally recommend this book to every beginners in hacking, A step-by-step guide that empowers you on how to prevent threats associated with hacking. Readers will acquire knowledge on how to interpret hacking tools and will learn to perform pentesting with tools like fender Rootkit, Netcat, Fast Track Autopwn, Metasploit, Nessus, Nmap, Google Reconnaissance and Backtrack Linux

Web Application Hacker's Handbook (Finding & Exploiting Security Flaws)

Web Application Hacker's Handbook (Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws)
Buy Now at Amazon → The Web Application Hacker's Handbook guide its reader in finding and exploiting web apps security flaws. This practical book has been completely updated and revised to discuss the latest step-by-step techniques for attacking and defending the range of ever-evolving web applications. The book consists of 912 pages of guide and techniques on Web app hacking, security and pentesting. I highly recommend it to beginners in web app ethical hacking.

Black Hat Python (Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters)

Black Hat Python (Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters)
Buy Now at Amazon → Black Hat Python is one of the best and most wanted book because whenever it comes to creating powerful and effective hacking tools, Python is the language of choice for most security analysts. But just how does the magic happen? In this book, you'll explore the darker side of Python's capabilities - writing network sniffers, manipulating packets, infecting virtual machines, creating stealthy trojans, and more.

Hacking Exposed Web Applications

Hacking Exposed Web Applications
Buy Now at Amazon → Hacking Exposed Web Applications is a very informative real web app hacking book which explores full details on the hacker's footprinting, scanning, and profiling tools, including SHODAN, Maltego, and OWASP DirBuster. You can learn lot of advance web app hacking and pentesting techniques including the most devastating methods used in today's hacks, including SQL injection, XSS, XSRF, and XML injection techniques etc...

Final Conclusion

All books listed above is very informative based on its topic, but from all of them I highly suggest everyone to go for Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide and Black Hat Python. What do you think? Which book is best for beginners and please do let me know your review about my post.


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